Website | Facebook Page | Email: [email protected]Address: Malagasang Road, Malagasang 1B, Imus, Cavite Philippines
Telephone / Landline / Contact Number: (046) 683 9571
Cellphone / Mobile Number: 0999 992 8292
Store Hours / Open: Monday to Sunday 08:00am - 10:00pm
About Us: Take-Out Counter offering grilled fish, fish delis and Ready2Cook fish. We are advocates of a healthy lifestyle. Eating the right food is a basic factor in maintaining a healthy lifestyle. In line with this, we at Fish2Go, from the owners, service crew, production workers down to the farmer-suppliers share the same advocacy of providing our customers with heart-healthy food, organic yet reasonably-priced.
Rich in protein and omega 3, the grilled fish meals served by Fish2Go are also laced with organically-grown herbs. Committed to its advocacy, Fish2Go offers you a truly healthy option.